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Home / Meetings and outings

Meetings and outings

Competition meetings

We hold one to two monthly meetings from March to November inclusive, often to hear the judging of the monthly competitions.

Members may enter:

  • Prints and EDIs in the their grade (A or B-grade).
  • B&W prints and B&W EDIs in their grade.

The number of entries per subject may vary each month, as outlined on the members’ hub website. These monthly competition tasks, are listed under Monthly and audio-visual competitions.

The experienced judges assess and score the images, provide constructive feedback and select a first place in each grade.


Our workshops are held on the third Wednesday of most months. Some of them are theoretical, some are hands-on.

The workshops planned for 2024

19 February Photo walk
19 MarchLong exposure with Albert Tay
16 AprilBlack and white photography 1
21 MayPatterns in nature with Daryl Whitaker
18 JuneBlack and white photography 2 with Gary Smith
20 August Portrait – ‘The way we were’
15 OctoberOld fashioned slide night

Special interest groups

The club has a number special interest groups that meet at various times during the year. Check our calendar for any upcoming group meetings or events that pique your interest.


The club conducts a number of photographic outings, mostly during the day at events or locations close to Melbourne. Some outings involve weekends away where members can socialise and immerse themselves in their photography.

Keep an eye on our calendar for any upcoming outings.
